Thursday, January 4, 2007

Get Your Game on with Granny

Welcome to Game on Granny, the new web site where Granny will teach ya young uns what it's all about. That's right, at my age I can keep up with the best of 'em, as ya'll will see, and here you'll find out just how I does it. There are going to be a lot of special items available for all my grand children too, so check back often. By the way, if ya wants Granny's advice, try me with your questions and I'll get back to ya.........................GAME ON!!


Anonymous said...

Granny, what the hell? Who are you? What do you look like, and if you are a wise-cracking old woman, why don't I see some wise ass comments?

Granny said...

Well-shut my mouth! My first victim. Who the hell do ya think I am ya whipper snapper? I am Granny.
I am a wicked old woman just looking for your sweet little questions.You want a wise-ass wise comment?? Kiss my (l)- the crack, baby..........Slap my knee and bring it on.


Anonymous said...

Granny, I'm starting to get a few wrinkles now & I was wondering what your secret to looking so young & wrinkle-free is. Do you mind sharing?

Granny said...

Well shoot no-a old woman of my many years who was quite the catch in her day. I don't wanna hears no comments about "your year?, what when that wheel was invented?!Little snot nosed......... ooooh my, sorry, Granny had her moment there.
Anyway, to your question. Well, first off let me say-your parents were cruel naming you: Anonymous, now what kind of name is that for a child? Your parents probably ignored you like you didn't exist in the household I bet......Oooppppsss, sorry granny had a senior moment there..pardon me! Anyway, My secret well-twice daily I put cream on my face... let me go get the tube so I can spell it here so you can get some honey..P-R-E-P-E-R-A-T-I-O-N H. and the directions
say Apply gently on inflamed area???.....OOooooohhh my, Oooh Heavens,,,,,,Hhhhhmmmm, no wonder my butt is sooo soft and my face---well, never you mind honey. Drink lots of water and live a clean life and your skin (whatever part of your body) well be as good as mine. Was this a trick question? Were you makin' fun of my skin? Is that it??? well, you little buttmunch.........GAME ON!

Angelicdevil said...

Hi Granny,

How old are you? Where are you from? Why are you so cranky?

Granny said...

Wellllllll, you little weasel-you don't ask an old woman her age! What the H-E double toothpicks is wrong with you child? Do you have no respect? Actually, I overheard my son tell a friend of his, when his friend asked how old I was-(good thing they were standing about ten feet away or I woulda put a lump on his head that woulda been so big he woulda thought it was cloudy all the time!)My son told him, I was so old I still owed Jesus a quarter I borrowed for lunch in school.
Where am I from?
Well-From America ya little twit!
Why am I so cranky??
You try wearing a corsett and freakin' hose that make you feel like you are wearing a damned wetsuit!!
Are you as Evil as your name with all these questions. If I ever find you in my neiborhood I am gonna twist your horns and glue your wings!!! All I have left to say to you is..........GAME ON!!!

Anonymous said...

why does everybody have to think this sweet old thing is cranky

Anonymous said...

Hey granny, remember me? I've got the pictures back that were taken at your New Year's Eve party. You and Aunt Lovie looked mahhhhhvelous!

Granny said...

Because I am ya danged old fool!! I am cranky cause I just found out I have been usin' azz cream on my face and witch hazel on my bum! Sometimes I just don't know which end is up.
As far as calling me a sweet OLD thing? Well you have a lot of nerve Mr Holy Moses!!!
I am sure if I said GAME ON to you and we were in the same room you would think I meant somethin' else and I'd be hosin' you down ya old
freakasaurus! Well, Hold on to your britches Baby cause ya know what? GAME ON!!!

Anonymous said...

oooo aunt lovie!!!! can I get some of that?

Granny said...

Ahhhhhhhh ya blind old bat Angle Face!!! Good to see ya! That wasn't
Aunt Lovie, ya dumb four eyed coot. That was Uncle Barney in drag!!! OF COURSE I REMEMBER! Ya think I crawled our from under a rock? (well I crawled out from under the buick in 49 when ya caught me with John David) Opps, well now that was a horse of a different color.............ah yes....speakin' of horses, did I ever tell ya about your Uncle Astor?? Oh Lordy, Lordy!!!Ohhhh Myyyy, I forgot I was on the blog for heavens sake! .....fannin' myself.....Well, Hell-o yes I remember Aunt Lovie, the little lush. How do ya think Lock-tite got their idea for that great epoxy-from Auntie Lovie-you could try to pry a bottle out of that womans hand but -it was no use!
Dawlin' send me a pic of old Aunt Lushie.....I mean Lovie! As far as you being so sugary sweet, you were always a brat, ya danged snot nosed brat-always tatlin on' Granny. Gigglin' in the corner---Well....I know where ya are now and it's ........GAME ON!!!

Granny said...

Can I get some of that??? You old coot-the only thing you are gonna get is a new pair of dentures cause I put yours in the disposal ya old man who's breath smells like a buffalo fart that was packed away and went stale 20 years ago.! Quit worryin' about what you can get!! Get yourself a toothbrush and some mouthwash.........GAME ON!!!

Anonymous said...

I sure like an old spunky woman and you're right, granny, I would think something perverted. I can't be hosed down, though. My ex wife (god rest her soul) said I was the fire bomb in bed.

Anonymous said...

Granny, I like the way you sign your posts with GAME ON. You go get 'em old woman. GAME ON.

Granny said...

Grampa Moses--You probably were smoking in bed and farted like you old geezers do and bombed the bed...Indeed!Yep-I am sure you were the fire bomb that night ya old bag of wind! Go eat some malox and go to bed!ya wanna know why??........GAME ON!!!

Anonymous said...

my I'm blushing.

Granny said...

Super Stud .....Stop with the niceties and sweet comments..I am just an old bag of wrinkles that you'd have to roll in flower to find the wet spot, so back down tiger and ........GAME ON!!!

Granny said...

Sandra ?........Sounds like a 1950's movie star. What the hell are ya blushin' fer??? Ya think your a bottle of cheap wine or what? If you were , your parents would have named ya Rose'........GAME ON!!!

Anonymous said...

can i cuss on this fuckin thing? i bet you will edit me you wind pipe. the nicer people are to you the meaner you are. right on. that's okay cuz u r funny. remind me of my grandma, or is that my pit bull i'm thinking of!!!

Anonymous said...

by the way i got my GAME ON!

Granny said...

Dirk... Sweety...poopsie....Ya lil bag of stale azz wind-you can do anything and say anything you want on here. I wouldn't think of taking off anything you say and ya know why? Because ignorance is go bliss on that fence over there and I need another ink of drinkahol........yo sa whootie?......GAME What???.......GAME ON!!!

Anonymous said...

What is your all-time favorite movie, Game On Granny?

Anonymous said...

I think you are a vile old lady who is corrupting our society with all the vulgar words you use. My sweet grandmother would never be heard spewing forth such twisted rhetoric. May God have mercy on your soul, sister.

Granny said...

Dirk-Do you have an intestinal tract problem sweetie? Let me give you a recipe from out on the farm......Go have a bowl of air and follow that with a drink of nothing and then go blow it out yer azz!Ya know why? Cause it's........GAME ON!!!

Anonymous said...

Ohmygod, reverend, refer to a post I made to Liz somewhere else on this blog. If you take Game On Granny too seriously, you are stupid. You sound like a very religious freak. I believe God and Jesus can laugh too.

Granny said...

Marsha-Marsha-Marsha...Do you get that a lot??? You Brady freakin' has been! My Favorite Movie?? Phantom Of The Paradise!! Game On! And Rocky Horror Picture Show!! Double game On! My last favorite movie is titled: Shut the hell up and go to the last house on the left!!!......GAME ON!!!

Anonymous said...

Uh, am I missing something, Reverend? I'm not so sure Granny herself has actually used any serious naughty language, just that little prick (oops, did I say prick) Dirk the Jerk.

Granny said...

Ohhh Rev.........May God have mercy on your soul Honey Bee.....Dear sir Reverend -you are way out of your league. I too am a Reverend and by the way.......By the way he does have Mercy on my soul sister. Her namie is LOVIE!......GAME ON!!

Granny said...

Darling Donna......As far as Rev goes tain't nuthin' but a thang!! He rev'd his way in and he can Rev his way out!!.........GAME ON!!

Granny said...

Anonymous...Thank you and Donna for coming to my rescue, but tis the golden light of air we all shall live on till we go to meet our maker and he has St.Peter greet us at the gate with a big smile and not because his long johns are to tight or because he ate something gassy for dinner but because he and the lord,God almighty have a sense of humor and St. Peter will joyously look at us because we were true to who we actually are and weren't fake on earth and he'll say as he opens the gates of heaven and we see a huge party of all us sinners and everyone shouts at the tops of their lungs......GAME ON!!

Granny said...

Way to go Dirk....... Must have been a wicked little water closet session for you!! I just love nasty tempered men but ..I must get back to my business at hand!!! Speaking of hand .Did you wash your hands after taking that wicked romp? Perhaps Ralph screamed back and said get your azz outta my face!! Have you ever got so drunk you thought you were gonna have to go talk to Ralph on the commod-o-phone? Well-Since you came back to the board, I know you didn't fall in with the other chit.......GAME ON!!

Granny said...

Indeed, I am a Rev, Minister,Chaplan...whatever you would like to call me,just don't call me late for my nap..Ohhhh I get so nasty tempered when I don't get my granny know how us elders get-cantankerous and snitty......I SAID SNITTY you rotten foul mouthed lil warped minded cow tippin' fools and ........GAME ON!!

Anonymous said...

first off i only wash my hands after i handle my stuff granny, and also i think the reverend andy there was lookin for some porn. again, whats with the little prick comment. who said that? donna????

Anonymous said...

Dirk, I said nothing about your little prick. Do you have a complex?

Granny said...

Dirk....I don't know who mentioned "prick" and don't let it get you sure doesn't me at my advanced age! Dirk - go take a chili pilly and calm down. Well, no if you take a chilli pilly , your azz will be in the potty wotty again before long.......GAME ON!!

Granny said...

Now Now Children... we will not be fighting over any pricks in my room.....Take it outside you warped lil freaks'. My lil freaks need to go blow it out their azz's somewhere beside in here-who do you think has to clean this place....GAME ON!!

Anonymous said...

whats up granny? game on. i got rid of all the chili and i'm ready to start again.

Granny said...

Guess what you bunch of alligator bait babies?.........Granny has her website almost finished and I will be posting it here before you can say "momma", how do you spell "A"? ......GAME ON!!

Granny said...
Tell me if its......Game On!!

Anonymous said...

you ain't getting naked on your web site are you granny?????

Anonymous said...

Grandma's getting nekkid?

Anonymous said...

Granny the wbe site is game on. Very nice. Do you have more pics or maybe some sound bites?

Granny said...

Ohhhh my goodness Dirk.....Me naked-I should, cause then ya'll would go blind!!! Now dang nabbit who do ya think I am? I Am Game On Granny NOT Godiva freakin' Granny........GAME ON!!

Granny said...

Becky....I am an ancient old fart bag filled with hot air and I dun't knows nuttin' 'bout this old infernal net stuff. I do have my mouth a flappin' on a recording, I am a waitin' on my webhead master disaster to stink...'er I mean link it up.....All in good time you sick little freakin motor mouth geeks.......GAME ON!!

Granny said...

Earl????? Are you sure you aren't my first husbsnd?? He used to call me the same thing......naw, you couldn't be him-If my memory serves me just a bit, I believe he died a horrible death in the clutches of a 20 yr old female....I thought he had a grimmace on his face but most say it was a smile..who knows!! Any way-Earl, now looky here you snitty little scum suckin barnicle chewing piss ant - no need to come on up in here and be blowing smoke up my azz,,,,,you'll ruin my autopsy ya squid faced peanut butter wearin' poptart!! All the compliments won't get ya nowheres but to.........GAME ON!!

Granny said...

To all my sweet and fun GRANDCHILDREN out there in Blogland. Granny is thinking about putting information on my website so you can get some fun lovin'autographed pictures of Granny with her ever wonderful personalized message to you. I am in talks with some haughty taughty
photo person and all sorts of things that would bore ya!(but these blasted city slickers always wants a piece of Granny and I has ta swat them off with my flyswatter like they were pigs hankerin' fer some chit!) I will hopesfully be a puttin' a selection of photos up on the dang website, if these old arthritic hands would work fer me. You would pic the one you want and I would sweetly write a message that is in my own lovin' way of tellin' ya.......GAME ON!!

Anonymous said...

granny where is your dang ass web site???? it thought this was your web site? you tryin to confuse me.

Granny said...

Well, what in tarnation there Earl.....This is my blasted blogspot ya old poot. If I have to come outta this here watercloset and walk you over there I am gonna wail on you like a cookie that the chocolate chips are missing out of!
Earl-Tell me boy, what in tarnation makes you think website and blogsite spellin' look alike? Go to and as I always says......GAME ON!!

Anonymous said...

Marbles? Oh, I think you lost your marbles!

Granny said...

Well, smartie-azz.....I did loose my marbles about 20 yrs ago. I had a cat named Marbles and one day she got out and ran away,,,,,,I went out and started yelling and my neighbor asked what I was doing and I dun did tolds him............I dun losteded my marbles...........Game On!!!