Monday, June 18, 2012

She's baaaaaaack!!

Granny is back!!  After spending the last few years "recuperating", she's ready to throw you in the watercloset and lock the door!  So come on in and aggravate the old bitty and try and outsmart her!  She's one of the craziest grannies you'll ever meet!  Check out her new website at

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Join The Fun - Ask 'Ol Granny A Q!!

We are posting this here blog so's ya kin ask 'ol Granny Questions that will be featured on her videos!! That's right - If'n you wants ta see your questions answered on YOU TUBE, plant them puppies on Granny - Right Here - Right Now!! They will ask Granny your'n question along with your name and state and you can hear your name and you question answered on Americas most popular video site!! It will be a hoot N hollerin' good time fer all. The first video should be on You Tube soon. We need a lot of questions, so pucker up and spit 'er out! There is no limit on amount of questions you can ask but if they are too wild well, they might change the wording a bit when they ask me!! So come on and let's see how much fun we can have......................Game On!!

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Lets Talk Turkey!!

Picture taken by Sooln - Retouched by CARL PORTER, Http://WWW.Necroidian.Net

This here 'Let's Talk Turkey' is a blog for all comments on views and thoughts on anything from Hauntings, (which Granny is very much into), to The War, Rappers, Unfair Things In Life, Favorite Toys When You Were Young, Age, Anything You Can Think Of. Walk right in - sit right down - Baby, let your hair hang down! Oh Yeah and .................................GAME ON!!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

The funniest dang thing I ever saw.............

Welllllll now.........Granny is gonna start this off with asking ya'll to write the funniest things ya ever laid eyes on.........Ya'll can tell ol' Granny all abouts it! Granny loves a good laugh ya knows.

The dang funniest thang Granny ever saw was.........There was this person installin' an alarm system and just a going to town movin' ceilin' tiles and pullins the cable through and they went and pulled the tile over lickety split and this big old rat fell right into thar face. Wwwweellllll....a secretary over in the room just a screamed and jumped up outs of her chair and started doin' a crazy dance. She gots her feet so tangled up she fell on the floor and I swear she bounced right back up and a started running in circles lookin' fer the blasted rat. There was the poor ol' installer standin' ups on that ladder a watchin' the secretary and almost fell off the ladder from laughin' so hard at the secretary. Wwwwelll.......the rat didn't seem ta be a bother to the installer atall. The installer hollered to the secretary "hey,hey,its dead-it isn't going to run after you." To which the secretary sat down and cried from the fear she had experienced. Granny laughed and laughed. Granny was the installer......................................GAME ON!!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Granny's blasted website - Looky here!!

This is Granny in her younger days.......Weeeellllll ....wasn't she a looker?? Of course she was ya crazy fools!! I was about 20 here - yes...indeed I were...I am old as dust. My family is good about holdin' there age dearies. When my granny was 82 - everyone thought she was 45. That ain't no blasted story neither, ya ol' hot air blowin' muffin' sniffer! Anywhooos, I am puttin' my website connector here. (don't be givin' Granny no lip about that danged puter lingo neither!)....Smilin'.....Granny has some icons & a desktop & sound chompers (wavs) fer your listnin' pleasures!! If you want to hang with Granny, ya can also find where Granny has Sweatshirts that she makes fer her grandkids all on her lonesome. Made special for all them wonderful lovin' grandkiddies by granny herself. Granny also has her face you can buy......ooooohhhhhh whats that called.....oh yeah....a picture. Automographed! Hey, Granny has no income - you know how they do us older generation.....Like a free cup o' coffee from fast food places is gonna appease granny. Granny has needs ya know.....smilin'.......this dang -trying to make nice is gonna kill yar ol' granny. Soooo, Go on witch ya bad self..shuffle on over to Granny's website and go shoppin'!!! Blasted lil' horney toad -bug eatin' freaks........................................GAME ON!!

It is:

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I Wish.........................

We've all had wishes in our lives, a hundred times over and we think they haven't come true at all but maybe some of it did and we just didn't see it because we wanted the whole picture 'RIGHT NOW'.Ooohhh, I know, I have drempt to be rich ya know and I have drempt to own a home and neither one has come up an' slapped ol' Granny and said "here I is!'.................Let's hear some of your wishes and please don't get outragious and potty mouthed...........Granny dun't wanna have to come out of this water closet and whoop the tarnation outta ya with her cane now - ya know.............................................GAME ON!!

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

What Gripes Your Derriere???

Derriere - interesting word hey?? If you aren't sure what in tarnation that means then grab that ol' dictionary and look 'er up!!! Granny is trying ta teach her grandkiddies a new word....................This here spot is fer findin' out what takes your piece of the pie!! Go ahead and let 'er rip...........but please, as usual remember Granny is an old woman and would like to read this without changin' her depends...............................................GAME ON!!